oh and some news I forgot...
As you probably know, my hunny hasbeen going well thin through out his hair for a year or so now. So thin in fact you could see through it. So he went to get a hair cut yesterday and came bak-bald.. not a little bald. shaved to the skin bald!! he said he did not want to have patches of hair lol Jacqueline walked into the kitchen and backed up till she realized it was her daddy lol. Its going to take getting used to and I have to buy him a collection of beanies before it snows but he says he loves it. Ill get some pictures up soon!
Monday, September 29, 2008
story of my life....
Well, if you know us, you know that chaos and upheaval seem to fit us well. Life has not been mundane in the almost 10 years Adam and I have been together! So, we could not disappoint.
Adams mom has been living with us for almost 5 months. It was a long rough 5 months trying to adjust to another person in the house who has authority. Keeping a balance of ruling my home and not telling the kids they didn't have to listen to grandma was a tight rope that I have been walking. All of this confused the girls as to who was in charge and it created a back door to them being able to get away with things mom would NEVER be okay with.
With that came some attitude changes in my carbon copy aka Alexandra. Shes very stubborn anyway, but normally quite, soft spoken and mostly agreeable. However, over the past couple of months shes became aggressive with Adam and I and has completely turned off any common sense God surly tried to give her. I have been reassured by every middle child I can think of that this is due to her being a middle kid. Shes become bossy and mean to her little sister at times and seems to need more of my attention. I think this could be a combination of a lot of things. Changes in school, changes at home, and life in general being so busy for us this summer.
Shes still a sweet loving child most of the time and I hope I'm not giving off the impression of one of those kids you see on Nanny 911. No, shes still my kid and therefore kept on a tight leash. I have the reputation I think for being very strict.) We still have tons of fun and shes loved beyond measure. However, between Adams mom being here, Adams changes at his job, my school, their school and life its self. Its just bringing up some reactions in her I need to deal with.
So, we thought we would take some time and reassure her and help her figure out what ever it is that's bothering her so much. Shes always been very sensitive to changes and things going on around her. Therefore, we have decided that we are going to put off (not cancel) our adoption process for a year or two depending on how things progress. We are hoping that giving her some extra time and attention for a while will help. This should also give her time to mature a bit more and learn how to be more vocal... Id love to see her be willing to pick up around the house, but shes still Adams child so I'm not holding my breath there.
Adams mom did move out this last weekend. So, Alexandra now has what was going to be the new boys room. Its pink and brown and has all of her girly breakable dolls and collections in it. Aunt Verna bought her a new bed set (she doesn't know it yet) for her birthday that's brown with pretty pink flowers on it. Shes going to love it. She is the girly one of our bunch.
So, there it is! I have my house back YAY, life is as calm as it gets for us for now. Don't worry birthdays and holidays are around the corner!
Adams mom has been living with us for almost 5 months. It was a long rough 5 months trying to adjust to another person in the house who has authority. Keeping a balance of ruling my home and not telling the kids they didn't have to listen to grandma was a tight rope that I have been walking. All of this confused the girls as to who was in charge and it created a back door to them being able to get away with things mom would NEVER be okay with.
With that came some attitude changes in my carbon copy aka Alexandra. Shes very stubborn anyway, but normally quite, soft spoken and mostly agreeable. However, over the past couple of months shes became aggressive with Adam and I and has completely turned off any common sense God surly tried to give her. I have been reassured by every middle child I can think of that this is due to her being a middle kid. Shes become bossy and mean to her little sister at times and seems to need more of my attention. I think this could be a combination of a lot of things. Changes in school, changes at home, and life in general being so busy for us this summer.
Shes still a sweet loving child most of the time and I hope I'm not giving off the impression of one of those kids you see on Nanny 911. No, shes still my kid and therefore kept on a tight leash. I have the reputation I think for being very strict.) We still have tons of fun and shes loved beyond measure. However, between Adams mom being here, Adams changes at his job, my school, their school and life its self. Its just bringing up some reactions in her I need to deal with.
So, we thought we would take some time and reassure her and help her figure out what ever it is that's bothering her so much. Shes always been very sensitive to changes and things going on around her. Therefore, we have decided that we are going to put off (not cancel) our adoption process for a year or two depending on how things progress. We are hoping that giving her some extra time and attention for a while will help. This should also give her time to mature a bit more and learn how to be more vocal... Id love to see her be willing to pick up around the house, but shes still Adams child so I'm not holding my breath there.
Adams mom did move out this last weekend. So, Alexandra now has what was going to be the new boys room. Its pink and brown and has all of her girly breakable dolls and collections in it. Aunt Verna bought her a new bed set (she doesn't know it yet) for her birthday that's brown with pretty pink flowers on it. Shes going to love it. She is the girly one of our bunch.
So, there it is! I have my house back YAY, life is as calm as it gets for us for now. Don't worry birthdays and holidays are around the corner!
okay new cake
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Girls Birthday

Its that time of year already. My girls are getting so big. Of all the birthday parties we could throw them, it's hard to imagine a better setting than happy little girls surounded by those who love them and want them to have a special day. It's so nice when our friends care enough to support the girls as if they were family since so little of our family can be around for these special moments. The theme has gone back and forth with Jacqueline wanting mickey mouse club house and Alexandra wanting barbie/princess. So Im making a rediculously large castle cake that Lex and I picked out and a small mickey cake for my not so baby girl! I sat down tonight and worked out their invites so I could start planning. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
As if I need a reason
As if I need a reason to know that I love my family, to know that I wouldn't want to miss a single minute of their lives, to know that with out each other we'd all be lost. I thought, think, that I have cancer. Skin cancer to be precise. One of those terrible kinds of caner that sneaks up on you. You can't feel it (at first) you can barley see it. And unless you know every single inch of your body, you could have it for years and not know it was there. It's a terrible cancer that could kill you before you ever knew you had it.
Why do I think this? I have a couple of moles that look odd to me, there not round, there not flat and smooth and their not one color. Everything, every website Ive read says you should look for. Does it scare me? Beyond words. most skin cancer is treatable with a 5 year life expectancy of about 98% for stages one and two. If you don't know anything about cancers, that's an amazing survival rate! and stages one and two are the early onset, not aggressive yet. stages 3 and 4 are the scariest ones. There are more numbers to cancer of course like the depth of them and if there metastasised or not. But that basic stage tells you your chances!
I have put this off for a while simply because I just did not want to hear bad news. I know it seems stupid, but life is just happier when you don't have bad news hanging over you like a cloud. When every plan you make is attached with a "if". But then we watched this movie the other day called the Bucket list. I almost cried through the whole thing. When it was over, I got out my laptop and began researching. I talked to Adam and we made and appointment. I have never felt sicker in my life. I did not want to walk into that office building today!
(Here is how it went)
OK, well here's the deal as it stands now. I went to my regular doctor today. He kinda glanced at the couple of spots and said, "oh it should be fine". Then said here's what we are searching for and drew a pic and described the very mole I was worried about!
However, he never touched me or got out a light or anything. Adam and I both left feeling really uneasy about what he had to say.
So, I made an appointment with the skin cancer & dermatology institute of Northern Nevada Reno. It's in two weeks on the 25Th. If nothing else, they will map my body as weird as that sounds. Like where all of my moles are and take pics of ones they want to watch, then in a year I go back, and they look over me again to see if any are changed. However, if they find ones that look odd they will biopsy them and go from there. I so badly want to listen to my doctor and think everything is fine. But its just one of those feelings that something isn't quite right with what he said. Something I just can't shake. Maybe it's reassurance of a second opinion, maybe I'm nuts! However, what ever it is, I'd rather be safe than in five years have someone tell me I should have done it sooner.
I told Adam I almost feel nuts, like people are going to think I want to find something. That is not any further from the truth though. I think what I need is a definitive your OK. So I'm not looking over my shoulder. I think the fact that I have been through the cancer treatments before has me terrified that its happening again.
Adam said, it doesn't matter what any one else thinks, if your uneasy get it checked out by as many doctors as it takes.
I knew then that he was not happy with the doctors answer. If he had believed him, he would have told me to just let it go.
So, maybe I'm fine, maybe I'm crazy & paranoid. What ever the answer to that questions is, were going forward with the other appointment this month for a second opinion from someone who deals with this stuff everyday!
As if I need a reason to know that I love my family, to know that I wouldn't want to miss a single minute of their lives, to know that with out each other we'd all be lost. I thought, think, that I have cancer. Skin cancer to be precise. One of those terrible kinds of caner that sneaks up on you. You can't feel it (at first) you can barley see it. And unless you know every single inch of your body, you could have it for years and not know it was there. It's a terrible cancer that could kill you before you ever knew you had it.
Why do I think this? I have a couple of moles that look odd to me, there not round, there not flat and smooth and their not one color. Everything, every website Ive read says you should look for. Does it scare me? Beyond words. most skin cancer is treatable with a 5 year life expectancy of about 98% for stages one and two. If you don't know anything about cancers, that's an amazing survival rate! and stages one and two are the early onset, not aggressive yet. stages 3 and 4 are the scariest ones. There are more numbers to cancer of course like the depth of them and if there metastasised or not. But that basic stage tells you your chances!
I have put this off for a while simply because I just did not want to hear bad news. I know it seems stupid, but life is just happier when you don't have bad news hanging over you like a cloud. When every plan you make is attached with a "if". But then we watched this movie the other day called the Bucket list. I almost cried through the whole thing. When it was over, I got out my laptop and began researching. I talked to Adam and we made and appointment. I have never felt sicker in my life. I did not want to walk into that office building today!
(Here is how it went)
OK, well here's the deal as it stands now. I went to my regular doctor today. He kinda glanced at the couple of spots and said, "oh it should be fine". Then said here's what we are searching for and drew a pic and described the very mole I was worried about!
However, he never touched me or got out a light or anything. Adam and I both left feeling really uneasy about what he had to say.
So, I made an appointment with the skin cancer & dermatology institute of Northern Nevada Reno. It's in two weeks on the 25Th. If nothing else, they will map my body as weird as that sounds. Like where all of my moles are and take pics of ones they want to watch, then in a year I go back, and they look over me again to see if any are changed. However, if they find ones that look odd they will biopsy them and go from there. I so badly want to listen to my doctor and think everything is fine. But its just one of those feelings that something isn't quite right with what he said. Something I just can't shake. Maybe it's reassurance of a second opinion, maybe I'm nuts! However, what ever it is, I'd rather be safe than in five years have someone tell me I should have done it sooner.
I told Adam I almost feel nuts, like people are going to think I want to find something. That is not any further from the truth though. I think what I need is a definitive your OK. So I'm not looking over my shoulder. I think the fact that I have been through the cancer treatments before has me terrified that its happening again.
Adam said, it doesn't matter what any one else thinks, if your uneasy get it checked out by as many doctors as it takes.
I knew then that he was not happy with the doctors answer. If he had believed him, he would have told me to just let it go.
So, maybe I'm fine, maybe I'm crazy & paranoid. What ever the answer to that questions is, were going forward with the other appointment this month for a second opinion from someone who deals with this stuff everyday!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Here are some pictures of the girls I thought everyone might enjoy~ It's been a crazy couple of weeks for us. The girls are back in school and doing great. Alexandra proclaims that she's pretty sure she is the only one in her class who listens.
Makenzie's teacher sent me an email telling me what a joy she is in class and that she is loved by all. Jacqueline has taking to being alone quite well and in fact thinks she runs the house now. I think she's right!
Makenzie had to have 4 teeth pulled last week due to some dental issues. She did great with the dental work with no cavities. YAY however, she will probably need braces in a couple of years and they are watching her for gum problems due to her teeth growth. OH JOY! Shes in full swing in cheer leading and walks around the house chanting all the time. It's annoying and I hate it. But she loves it and shes pretty good.
Alexandra is about a month into Violin and you'd never know she hadn't been at it a lot longer. She loves it and wants to practice when ever I can stand to let her. about 20 min an afternoon! Shes learning to read music and is doing quite well with it. She knows all the strings on her violin and takes great pride in taking care of it. She also lost her first tooth over labor day weekend and was so thrilled.
Adam so far does not need surgery on his knee. They have him in physical therapy and a new Doctor. So now it's kinda wait and see if it takes and hope for the best.
So as I said it's been a crazy week or two but we are loving it.
Alexandra first day of school
Makenzie first day of school
Makenzie at her game shes in the front on the left

Makenzie's teacher sent me an email telling me what a joy she is in class and that she is loved by all. Jacqueline has taking to being alone quite well and in fact thinks she runs the house now. I think she's right!
Makenzie had to have 4 teeth pulled last week due to some dental issues. She did great with the dental work with no cavities. YAY however, she will probably need braces in a couple of years and they are watching her for gum problems due to her teeth growth. OH JOY! Shes in full swing in cheer leading and walks around the house chanting all the time. It's annoying and I hate it. But she loves it and shes pretty good.
Alexandra is about a month into Violin and you'd never know she hadn't been at it a lot longer. She loves it and wants to practice when ever I can stand to let her. about 20 min an afternoon! Shes learning to read music and is doing quite well with it. She knows all the strings on her violin and takes great pride in taking care of it. She also lost her first tooth over labor day weekend and was so thrilled.
Adam so far does not need surgery on his knee. They have him in physical therapy and a new Doctor. So now it's kinda wait and see if it takes and hope for the best.
So as I said it's been a crazy week or two but we are loving it.
Jacqueline and Makenzie hanging out
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