Well, were to begin? We have been pretty busy as of late. We Had the girls parties and they had a wonderful time. I think I posted pictures of their cakes, they were yummy and the girls loved them. We had a smaller turn out than we are used to so it was a bit odd. The girls got to celebrate their first birthdays with my mom so they thought that was pretty neat. Adams dad made it out for their parties, and they enjoyed getting to see him. It's been pretty hard on the girls since we moved. They have certain people in their lives this whole time who are suddenly not there. It's been pretty rough on them, so it was nice that Adams dad could make it out. We went to a museum, they took walks, went shopping, hung out and watched some movies, read stories and just overall enjoyed some time.Halloween was so different this year from years past! It's kinda hit or miss here. Living in the south has been a very interesting transition on us. First, it's a pretty Churchy area... mostly just a Sunday thing though! Ya know where they go on Sunday but the rest of the time, you wouldn't know! Anyhoo, most of the celebrations for Halloween are "Fall festivals" at Churches. We chose to go to a "farm" and have a hay ride and corn maze that was pretty laughable to us. The hay ride was a 4 min ride around the "corn maze" which by most standards was about the size of my kitchen...took us about 10 min to get through the thing. Do I sound agitated? It's probably cause it cost us 50 bucks to get through the thing and last years cost us half that and took us nearly 2 hours. So, I kinda felt cheated. The on Halloween, we woke up to looming clouds and rain threatening to mess up Halloween... okay well lets back up. ON the eve of Halloween, we carved pumpkins. It was a lot of fun. The girls each carved their own pumpkins this year. Put on the design and carved them.They loved it. It took them a couple of hours but we had a lot of fun watching them. My mom was over and carved her first pumpkin ever in her life. This is hard for some to understand, but we grew up Pentecostal, and you just don't celebrate Halloween, it's an evil holiday. So, this year she came over to celebrate her first Halloween with the girls and carved a pumpkin, she had a lot of fun and the girls laughed watching her try to do her pumpkin, she did a pretty good job and had fun, what else can you ask for? The next day we awoke to those scary clouds... Adam had to work.. I know your shocked too! So we spent the day just hanging out and waiting to see if it would rain. My step dad brought us over a canopy to set up in the front yard so we could sit under it and pass out candy and light our fire... I got the girls ready including spraying their hair black to go with their costumes. Jacqueline was Snow white, Alexandra was a witch and Makenzie was Snow whites evil queen! It was very cute. We bought them ponchos since it was supposed to start raining at 4 pm..and the city of Concord will only let you trick or treat until 8... ugh anyhoo, off they went with Adam and his dad on the walk around our little area. My mom and I sat out in front of the fire and passed out candy.then it kinda sprinkled... then with out much more notice the bottom just fell and the rain was so hard you could not see across the street. I made this comment. "I'm so glad we bought the ponchos for the girls, so they don't have to stop trick or treating" just in time for my mom to say, well here they come now....wet. Yep, Adam.....forgot their ponchos. They were pretty upset since now Halloween was over..they were drenched and their black hair was now a mess and their faces black from the dye... I waited a couple of min to see what the new plan was...and since no one else had one, I grabbed my keys, and the girls and off we went around to the rest of the houses... they made off with a lot of candy since most of the kids went home people were giving them whole hand fulls. We got back and hung out in front of the fire to dry off and get warm. All in all it was a pretty good Halloween.

The girls are now doing girl scouts and their project for the week was this Samaritans box. Its an organization that takes filled shoe boxes and ships them around the world to children and teaches them about Christmas, our culture and God... so we had these boxes we had to fill for GS. So, we took the girls to the $1 store and gave them 10 bucks to fill their box. They thought it was pretty neat to do and had some cool ideas as to what to put inside. We love that the girls understand that Christmas is a privilege and not everyone gets the things they want.
We took the girls to have their Christmas pics done and while we will never go back to Sears.. cause of their prices, we did get some cute pics of them. I posted them on my Face book and myspace, if you would like to see more of them let me know. Every where we go it's Christmas already including some houses with trees up already! I soooo don't get this.. I love Christmas, but really... it's much to early for trees!
The girls are so busy counting down for Disneyworld, they haven't really asked about Christmas much. 53 days by the way... We added a stop or two on our vacation, one to see a friend Adam served in the Navy with and we are going to go to the Kennedy Space Center on our way, so we will be leaving New Years morning and be back on the 15th... so excited about our trip. The girls finally showed us some stuff they were wanting for Christmas, if you need ideas or want to know whats on the list.. I can share now =)
Jacquelines of course wants anything littlest pet shop but high on her list is the littlest pet shop comforter. Alexandra wants anything and I do mean anything Barbie! She is such a girlie girl. Makenzie has been pretty hard for us this year since she seems to be so much older than 8..or maybe I didn't realize how grown up 8 was... either way. She seemed to have out grown toys and was not into much of anything that was not Icarly, Jonas brothers or Hannah Montana and if it can't be listened to on her MP3 player, or played on her DS or PSP, she has not been interested. Then last night we were walking around walmart and she found a doll she wanted and said shes been wanting... it was great! Her name is Kaytlyn and she wants a dog to go with it and some extra clothes for her...shes like an American girl doll which she really wants but we can't afford. She said she really hopes Santa brings it to her, which is great so it means she still believes in Santa =)
Adams sister gets in tomorrow for a short visit with the girls and luckily the girls have Wed off for Veterans day so they can spend some time with her. The we have a little break before Thanksgiving.
It's been a very busy time for us and has made this year go by that much faster. We are all doing pretty well and just going right along in our little life. Hope everyone had a great October!
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