Friday, February 29, 2008

one week and counting...

The kids are excited! Im excited and Adam can barley stand him self! Why? we have one more week till our Disneyland trip!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!!! YAY!!


Well, When things happen in your life good or bad. It brings to light the people who seem to really care. The people who matter the most to you or perhaps it the people you matter most too. The past week has been just been hard plain and simple, HARD.

I have been trying to keep up with family stuff that is a job all on its own. But last week I hurt my back. The how is still a mystery but the pain was pretty intense and nearly brought me to tears. I have a pretty good tolerance for pain but this was just too much. I finally broke down and went to the Dr. He told me that I had in fact strained a muscle near my spine. That swelling was pushing on a nerve. The pain that shot threw my back any time I moved literally- took my breath away. I was put on bed or at least couch-rest for most of last week. with a moist heat pad 4 times a day and some pretty strong muscle relaxers every six hours for almost a week. Adam tried very hard to keep things together around the house and take care of me. I was also dealing with some other things during the same time. trying to get some ends tied to together for our trip from my area on the couch. I was worried I would not be better for our vacation which we have been planning for 6 months.
Then this wonderful man I am so privileged to be spending my life with brought home a small box of my favorite chocolates-See's candies truffles. Then at the bottom of the bad was a small box inside a beautiful, simple necklace with a small diamond on a circle.
There's no birthday, no holiday he wasn't in trouble... just wanted to make my week better. it was a gift he said "because it's Tuesday"
That's when I was reminded that no matter how bad the week had gone, what I was going through or the fact that I could barley brush my hair let alone put on makeup-I am loved very much.

I love you too Adam!!


Thursday, February 21, 2008

This week

Well Makenzie entered her science project at school it was on levers. Last night was the awards and open to the public thing. She didnt win anything but it was a great experience for her. She was more upset that her class didnt win. (they do a class project and they came in second) She and Adam had a lot of fun doing the project so I think she might do one next year as well.
Alexandra got her glasses in the other day. She looks very cute in them I need to get a pic of her in them. They are a dark pink and so tiny! She loves them and wants to wear them all the time even though she only needs to wear them for reading. one little boy in her class didnt like them but we dont listen much to him they are not friends anyway lol.
I have not been feeling well the past couple of days I am pretty sure I might have a kidney infection. I have been trying to take it easy and flush out my kidneys and avoid that hated trip to the DR. Im not sure its going to work for me though. ADam has been great helping out around the house and with the kids. Its so nice how he steps up and always helps when I need it. He never complains about helping me out and when I truly need help theres no house work he wont do. from the dishes to bathes to laundry he turns into a real MR mom when I need him . I just love him for that!
We also got our Disney package in the mail. YAY 2 weeks and 2 days left!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

SO, having kids is in my opinion incredibly rewarding and full of adventure. You love them with ridiculous amounts of love and cherish things that most people would look at as insignificant. like the fact that today Makenzie was simply confused as to why they were giving away mattresses on TV just because it was Presidents day. She in fact thought this was all wrong as we always have to pay for everything. It took some time for us to convince her that in fact it was just a commercial designed to get people to come and shop at there store. reading this story you might not see the humor in it as we did but you have to understand that she is seven and that the understanding of money and items was pretty advanced for her. It was something we thought was special. It's just one of those things you have to either know her or have kids to understand the irony of what kids do. I love my kids with out question and would do almost anything for them. They make me laugh almost every day and we have lots of fun together.
Then there are the days.... those days when you want to scream and lock your self in your room and wish the day would just end. Days like today when the kids have been picking at each other just enough to make each other whine and cry and annoy me.... I dealt with most of it just fine. letting them battle it out while going about my chores and ignoring most of it.
Finally it was time for them to head off to bed so that tomorrow they can go back to school. I thought at this moment they were on there way to bed and I could relax with my favorite show.
THEN IT HAPPENED; The calm and quiet of our house was broken by my GASP and screaming for Alexandra... she walked into my bathroom where I was standing in the middle of what used to be the hair on her head!! Yes my beautiful baby with hair past her waist who's NEVER had her hair cut... had taken a chunk out of her bangs and and about 5 inches in length of the side of her hair by her ear!!!! WHHHHHHHYYYYYY I asked almost in tears.. the answer? it was in her ear! ARE YOU KIDDING?????? WWWWHHHHYYYY do they do crap like this? she could have cut her ear off! or poked her eye out!
You may not see this as a big deal... its only hair? this is hair that I have babied since she was born, the hair I spend an hour combing every night and then in the morning! Hair that we've been growing out for 5 years. its so beautiful. and its just missing this chunk. If I were to cut it to blend we would have to cut about 7 inches off the back to even it all out. She was crying at the thought of this.Maybe you can understand this... maybe you have to have Little girls to understand this! it took some handy scissor work to try to fix her bangs some of which were cut to almost the scalp. after 20 min of looking at her hair and listening to her cry over it we decided to just let it go... it's going to look funny for a while and we are just going to have to let it grow out and then trim it up to match later on...

I took a deep breath told her she couldn't EVER touch my scissors again and sent her to bed!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

OK, can we be done with sick kids for now? We had Miss Makenzie with a double ear infection! They are actually talking about putting tubes in her ears when we get back from vacation.
Then 2 days after she was sick Alexandra got the flu... not just a little flu, but the flu thats been killing people off out here! So that left me and her camped out in the living room with me waking up every 20 min to make sure she was breathing. It was like having a new born all over again.
Then theres Jacqueline who I am pretty sure had croup. her harsh seal caughing made my throat sore. At least her runny/stuffy nose is ending.

Come on Vacation!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentines Day

Well, I'm not a big fan. I don't like the idea of spending a lot of money for flowers and candy. I also hate that feeling of people watching me open presents. I love the idea that Adam loves me and wants to show me that. He does a pretty good job of that most days of the year. He loves today. Loves to try to surprise me and make me smile. This morning he did that. It was still dark and I was not quite awake when he handed me a very soft cuddly teddy bear who had a heart on his tummy and that burgundy box that helzburg sends out those lovely diamonds in! The necklace is just beautiful two heats intertwined and wrapped with diamonds. Hard to describe maybe Ill get a picture on here. And the bear plays "when you wish upon a star" well that was just about enough to make me cry! It does have me wondering whats in that big box on the table wrapped in mickey ear paper specially delivered from the Disney store that I am not allowed to touch till he gets home?!?
Im making him his favorite dinner =0)
Well we've had a very busy year this year. It's been full of change and
some excitment and quite a few tears. It's been busy and complicated and I can't
quite believe that its both over and that we made it out in one peice! We moved
to another state, which required school changes. Adam left with work for 6
months and was in out of our lives half the year. The girls and I went on
several short vacations and I found out that Im a stonger mother and person than
I thought. Adam and I found a part of our marriage that we didnt know was
missing and today we are at our happiest and life seems to be right were we like
it. Busy, a bit chaotic, fun and moving forward!