Sunday, December 28, 2008

scratch that...

Okay, I'm actually laughing because that's all I can do at this point! We had settled on a plan, it seemed like a good plan. Then we were hit with some numbers that made us stop in our tracks and go whoa! It's official, we can not afford California. I would have to quit school and go to work and put Jacqueline in day care and bareley brake even. UGH.. I feel like Im on a roller coaster... we are going over a bumb that makes your tummy sink a little...

We are officially back in a holding pattern! But it's okay, I am NOT freeking out yet... Although las vegas is looking more and more inviting these days... Im fine...
Please pray we hear something (good) back from one of the offices soon!!


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Catching up...

So, Christmas was wonderful. It was so quiet and we did not even get out of our pj's all day. The kids got to take their time opening gifts and playing with them all. We did not have to be anywhere and no one was rushing, it was sooo nice. The kids got just about everything they wanted and were very happy to get gifts from everyone. I can say with out lying that they enjoyed all the gifts! Adam and I had a nice Christmas and received some very nice including the first white Christmas we've had in almost 10 years. It was a nice touch.

We are now moving on to Makenzie's bday party planning and I just have to say what a scam all of this is! I'm trying to avoid having a party at my house, as we are going to begin packing soon (later in this post) so we have been searching for a place to have her party. The one draw back to having so many good friends, is they all have kids! It's hard to plan a party with 20 kids and not spend $200.00... I have decided party planning places are evil and parents are at their mercy! I have yet to find a place that was not 12-21.00 per child for the 1-2 hour event! For most places, that does not include paper products-this is slang for bring your own-everything!
Makenzie has Okayed bowling, build a bear, pottery painting or chuckee cheese. If you've never had the pleasure... 3 out the 4 of those will instantly induce a migraine for the parents and a melt down for at least 2 of your party guests and will drain your wallet by about 200.00 or so not including the actual gift you are obligated to buy since your mom... YAY Birthday parties! We are leaning toward bowling...Adam hates bowling so it will be fun for all... We will make him the score keeper or child wrangler maybe he can guard the gifts!

About that move... oh my goodness... It's been fun! Since the holidays mean that no one at Siemens works for two weeks, we have not had a chance to hear anything from any of the offices we put in for. We are not sure if this is because no one wants to okay a transfer or if it's because of the holiday. Either way, we have to have an answer for the bosses this week. ugh.. Merry Christmas.. sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Since we have to give our 30 day notice this month (jan 24th) we had to make an executive decision... We are therefore planning a move to Rocklin Ca in Feb. sigh.. Unless we hear something from another office in the next two weeks.

This move will be for at least a year in the Sacramento Ca area. Not what we wanted! But, at least we won't be separated and the kids will be less stressed.. we hope! At the end of the year, we will again be looking for a place to transfer to. Though next time, we won't be under a dead line and it won't be so stressful. again, we hope. Adam will be working in Ca for the next two months until our move, leaving me to ummm pack. ugh I mean yay... I will be taking a leave of absence from school so that I can concentrate on getting us through this move. I will return to school in the summer and try to catch back up. If you live near us now or near the new place, your being recruited to move furniture.. please and thank you... Adam will be trying to secure our new residence, probably an apartment in the Rocklin area the first part of feb so he won't have to live in a hotel for the month, with the girls and I moving down sometime in feb.

We will of course let everyone know as the time gets closer and we get more details!

Best wishes for a happy new year!

The Roigs~

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas

Jacqueline making cookies with Daddy

The first ornaments

It tastes much better on your fingers than on the cookie!

This is Kaleb (he's 19 months and pretty much part of our family his mom and I are best friends and our families spend much of our time together. It took him a while to catch on, but once he figured it out he had fun. till he figured out that little white pile was choc chips. then he spent the rest of the time eating them!

She did not want to get messy!

This is serious work! Don't bother me (isnt she getting so big?)

TADA- arent they beautiful?!?

I can hardley believe that it is nearly Christmas! It has been a whirl wind couple of weeks for us. Christmas is in fact my favorite time of year! I love the way our house looks all decorated and the excuse it gives me to bake yummy stuff. I love having all our friends around and the parties we get to attend. It's all so festive and exciting! I have to say though, the best part is Christmas through the kids. Watching them light up when the decorating is finished and they get to see it all, is so much fun. Hearing them giggle while we decorate cookies and make treats is a blast.

I have been pretty home sick this year and have not been able to shake the feeling of missing out on traditions from when I was younger. Between that and all the stress over Adams job, it had put a real damper on feeling cheery.

But, as Christmas drew near and we got into the traditions our little family has established, the Christmas season just got that snuggly, happy feeling that I look forward too every year. We have some unique traditions at our house for the Holiday some we've taken from other people, and some did not start out with the intentions of them being traditions, they have just happend that way.

1)We put up the tree Thanksgiving night- Its a wonderful feeling that with all we have to be thankful for, we can begin the Christmas season with the friends and family that have celebrated the Thanksgiving holiday with us.

2)When we put up the tree, the girls all get to buy a new ornament for the year. Those ornaments are the first ones on the tree, followed by each of the ones from years past, then the family ornaments. The last ones on the tree are the first ones from last year. When the tree comes down each of the girls ornaments go into their own boxes. The first Christmas after they are married they will get the box of ornaments that they have collected over the years.

3) We make gingerbread houses or people... its a mess and the kids love it. This year we had an extra one, we were baby sitting that night so we had to get Kaleb involved. it was fun till he put his fraosting covered hands in his hair and dyed it green for a while. (we got it out before mom got home)

4) we make handprints of the kids with flour, salt, water bake and paint. The kids like it and it's neat to see how much they have grown, I figure next year will be the last one Makenzie lets us do hers with out holding her down!

5) we feel this tradition is our most important, it's pretty dear to Adam and my hearts that we do it. Neither one of us grew up with much money or had elaborate Christmasas that our girls are fortunate enough to enjoy. We never want our kids to take what they get for granted (although they often do anyway) We have always wanted them to realize that not everyone has what they have. Each year, we find an angel tree and pick out a boy and a girl who are in need. We let the girls pick out the gifts the kids wanted and hand the gifts over to the people collecting the gifts. We do the same thing with a food drive at our grocery store. The kids are old enough now that they understand that not every mommy and daddy can afford to buy gifts for their kids. Although last year, Jacqueline had a hard time giving up the doll she picked out to the Marines (she cried) this year, she was so excited to be buying a gift for a little girl like her who might not get a toy on Christmas, so excited in fact, we had to go pick out another name because, "there still more kids on the tree". It was a really neat thing to see.
A few day's before Chrismtas we drive around and look at lights, although we did notice that there were significantly less lights this year than last year. Lots and lots of empty homes made it kinda sad, but we decided out lights were the coolest!

The kids decided this year they were old enough to wrap gifts... this was a site to see and I wish I had taken picktures of the events. There are presents under the tree we can't touch because, well, they are not well hidden! But the girls thought it was way cool that they got to do it. I'd like to say it saved me time, but if you have kids, you know that's just not the case. But it did make us laugh watching Alexandra trying to wrap a basket shaped gift!

Im adding some pictures of some of the holiday events, I hope they make you smile! Merry Christmas to all of you, from all of us!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

"the talk"

Adam has been bouncing back and forth for a few weeks between working in Cali and working in Reno. It's been nuts for us so much so that Alexandra has been acting out. She might not make it if we don't figure it out soon! Anyway, Adam and I have been a tiny bit stressed over finding some where we wanted to live. The criteria has been decent size office so that layoff in the next year would be worry some, but with some smaller surrounding communities as we are not city people, good schools and of course some where we could afford! I know crazy stuff we are way too picky. =-)
Then last Friday, they fired the other guy who has been working for the company for 8 years. Okay they said "laid off" which I know is technically different, unless you are the next one in line, then fired, layed off, down sized, let go... all of those mean the same thing-no job, no money! It made us a little more nervous. We were reassured by Adams supervisor that all was well and we were fine. Well, yesterday Adam went down to California for work, and the manager over the Sacramento office wanted to "talk".

Apparently it went something like... Siemens does not want to continue to pay for Adam to work out of a hotel down there..understandable. It cost way to much money for them to do it that way, okay fine. In three weeks, there will be a meeting between Adam and his bosses, okay that sounds scary! In three weeks, we will need to have a plan of action, okay deep breath.. that's like what-first week of January? Okay... In three weeks, if we don't have a plan* we will have to discuss a move back to California... okay could be worse...

This is the news I got from Adam when he got home at 10 last night. I asked if it was okay if I officially freaked out now... I was told no- he lost!

Okay so the plan* he was referring too is this... We have to with in the next three weeks or so, find an office that is willing to transfer us and have a plan of a date when that will be happening!! If we can't find an office to transfer to by then (three weeks) they want Adam to move back to California to the Sacramento area.

Well, a few side notes, we HATE California!!!! OK breathe.... The schools are terrible up there, its way to crowded and oh yes there was something else, a reason we moved.. what was it? oh yes, we can't afford to live there!!! Adam would get NO raise if we moved back. SO the "PLAN" is, we have to spend the next three weeks looking for a new home! by new home we of course mean new job, new city, new house... in three weeks. If we can't my some miracle pull that off, Adam yes ADAM will have to move back to California, stay with someone, and see the girls and I on Saturdays (when he will want to be sleeping) and Sundays and then leave either Sunday night or super early Monday mornings to go back to California to work. This will
1) leave me as a single mom with a visitor for the weekends
2) Really hard on the kids!!
3) we will have to spend extra money for Adam to help out who ever he's staying with
4) no guarantee he will make it home every weekend, he may have to work, or there could be snow!!!
we actually have friends who think this plan is a great idea.. if I snap he will be the first to go!

So, I am officially worried! Three weeks from now is Makenzies Bday, and the start of my new semester and year of school! It's also the middle of Winter.

We are now grasping at straws. There are a few offices for places we would be Okay living near... Charlotte NC, Normal Ill (we have a very vague idea where it is, for those pulling out there maps, its near Peoria) and there might have been one in Austin, TX (that's out last pick) There is one in Maryland near DC but we did a cost of living analysis and it looks like we would be in a rough spot there unless he got a significant raise.

We have put in for NC and have not heard back but it's only been a week. Normally this week thing is no biggie, but in our time crunch it feels like its been months! Today we are putting in for a couple of other offices like the one in Ill and maybe TX... kind of a see who calls first thing. I have standards don't get me wrong! I have a list of places we won't put in for like, Arizona, las Vegas, Anchorage,NJ... I won't move some where we are miserable just so we don't have to go to Cali and be miserable.

This is all such a big mess, every one ,well most everyone has been supportive, yes, it's wonderful he still has a job! Trust us, we say that everyday!! Yes, this is definitely an adventure!-I'm over the thrill now! Apparently no matter where we move, one of us will have family with in a days drive. I find that sad in a way... we are all so scattered around-at any rate, we even have my best friend who told her husband when we get settled, they were moving! It's nice to know we are loved so much.

I know everyone wants to know how it's going, how we are doing, but to tell you truth we don't have an answer for either one. All of this is happening so fast, it almost does not seem real. Yet on the other hand I have taken so many deep breathes I might hyperventilate soon! At this point I know were moving, I know it's going to be a terrible hectic mess, but I am ready for it, Id much rather be facing endless boxes with a plan... then this perpetual spinning wheel. It's like we have spun the wheel of fortune and are waiting for it to stop.

Monday, December 1, 2008

can't shake the blues

Well, It's been one week since we found out through the grape vine that Siemens was in fact closing the Reno office. I was to say the least angry! I felt it coming, but Adam thought I was just being paranoid. But after some odd questions from people in Sac, Adam called the big boss and it was confirmed (quietly) that yes, we needed to make a plan. Are you kidding? Make a plan? and just who was going to tell us this was coming and when? I can not count the hours I have spent pacing back and forth over the past week trying to wrap my head around all of this. Okay, so no, he has not lost his job... that's great news! YAY for us. Now, the questions begin... we could move back to California, at least thats what the boss in Sac offered Adam. But, we don't want to move back to California, we left for a reason! It's horribly over priced, has a great deal of rising crime where we used to live and the schools are terrible.

So, we know where we don't want to live! Gee that was helpful! so, we drag out Adams laptop and go hunting on the Siemens website for offices looking for Techs. At one point we had a longer list of places we did not want to go then places we did. I know, helpful again! We even concidered Alaska and Canada! Then we came across a listing for Project Manager, for those not familiar PM is a manager or boss who is over 3-4 job sites. They make sure parts are ordered, guys are working, blue prints are right, they attend meetings, the whole thing. It is the job Adam was susposed to do up here once Reno "took off". It's also what he has been doing, with out the title. So, we decided that we should put in his resume to that office in hopes that if we have to move some where, he could at least get a promotion out of it . The kicker? It's in Norcross Ga.

We looked at eachother and said, Whats in Ga? Well, I've done some searching and turns out there is a lot in Ga. But, it's still Ga, it's still far away from anything and anyone that we know.
We have not heard anything yet, as he sent over his resume on Monday and then it was Thanksgiving. SO, we are hoping to hear something back this week. I am hoping that he gets the job in Ga because that means so much for him. However, hearing back from them and them saying yes we want you, probably means us moving right after the first of the year.

Why so fast? Well, our lease is up the end of Feb. So, he has to find a new office, put in for a tranfer, get it approved and get a relocation packet approved, and get us moved all before the end of Feb. Plus, all of the work Adam has up here will be over in Jan. leaving him with no work. At that point they want him to move back to Ca and work from the Sac office. Why not just stay? because the job market in Reno is terrible right now. There are no jobs for what he does. Weve looked, there just arn't any!

We spent much of the week of Thanksgiving trying to make a plan of what we were going to do. SO, it really made getting into Thanksgiving very hard. We had a good time with our friends and family, but it was still just sitting there in the back of my mind like a beacon going off.
We tried to put up the holiday decorations and just can't seem to get into it this year. What we normally do in a day is now three days into it and were still not done.

For us, this is not a regular move... This is not something that has been planned and it's finally here. This was from out in left field, a here ya go, here's this news, figure it out. We were happy, content and just living our merry little life. We have wonderful friends here and the kids are settled in. Now, all of that is just going away practically over night!

We had decided to not tell the kids until we knew for sure what the plans were, but since most of our friends knew and we are going to have to begin making plans, we thought it best they hear it from us and not hear it as an accident. SO, we sat them down and explained to them that we were going to have to move to another state far away because of Adams job. Makenzie got mad, and then cried that she was going to miss everyone in Nevada and California... ugh I hate this!!

We explained that while we were not going to see Adams family as much, maybe we will get to see my family more and she could see all new family... that seemed to help a little... for now.

I thought I was dealing with all of this just fine until yesterday... I walked into my room, looked around and realized how much I hate packing! How much I don't want to pack, how much I am going to miss being in this place. Then I realized how angry I was!

Are you kidding me? I have to move all of this crap again! I have to pack everything and try to get it all into a 26' moving truck... and what if it doesnt all fit? How do you decided what should not go if it doesnt all fit... will I have to buy a new washer and dryer or freezer just cause they won't fit? I love my washer! I need my freezer! What if we don't hear anything from Ga soon? Are we going to put up a map and throw a dart? Are we going to put in transfer request to every office in the country? Am I going to end up in Alaska? What if we do hear back from them and they want Adam there ASAP like when we moved here... Am I going to have to do all of this alone... AGAIN!! Can I fit my friends in my trunk and take them with me? We are going to be moving acoross the country in the middle of winter... who does that?
I'll never be able to find Alexandra another violin teacher she loves as much as this one! Makenzie is going to be mad about this for a while... and at every holiday for the next year... trust me! I went through this when we moved up here.

Yes she will make new friends, but take it from some one who moved around A LOT as a child. It's never as easy as the parents make it sound... and what about me? Making friends as an adult is not that easy! I laid down on my bed yesterday and Adam came and laid down next to me and informed me that if I did not let all of this go, I was going to have a heartattack in a month. I supose he's right, but how do you let this go? It's not all going to get done by it's self. If not me then who?

Im angry! Im sad! Im stressed out! And, Adam is in California working for a few weeks.

Ill try to keep everyone informed as we become informed... don't be angry if it's last minute! That just might be when we find out too... Keep us in mind if you could when you say your prayers.. and if you could mention Georgia that would be great.