Thursday, December 3, 2009


Well, it's hard to believe but yes, it is in fact December! Usually this time of year is reserved for Christmas. There are countdowns and parties and shopping and a wrapping and carols... This year however, there is a bit more going on.

We have our usual Christmas going on. We have a few gifts under the tree and some more stashed around the house. We have our Christmas music on most days and we are planning our annual Christmas Party for the 19th (everyones invited) however, this year is a bit different for a couple of reasons..namely, our upcoming trip to DisneyWorld. We are leaving on the 1st. This has made things a little more...complex! Making sure the girls have a nice Christmas while still saving enough money for our Florida adventure has been challenging. Some have said that the girls might not need a bunch of stuff for Christmas since we are going to Disney World... well no, that is in fact not the case. Our vacation is not a Christmas present. It is in fact a vacation that we have been looking forward to for.... 2 years! We were supposed to go last year, but had to move, so we are going this year. Since March (our usual time to go) is one of the busiest in Fl, we are going in Jan instead. We will be there for Makenzie's bday, an accident, but we are planning a special dinner for her on that day. She won't get her bday party until the end of Jan after we get back.
So, its been a challenge to check off a few of the things on their list and still put up some extra cash. No, they won't be getting everything on their list this year, and because we have such amazing kids..they understand that. We sat then down and explained to them that while we are having Christmas and we will be getting some nice things, it will be a smaller Christmas than they are used to and they might not get everything on their list since we are going to Disney world and it's pretty expensive. Adam finds it amusing that the countdown on our calendar says 28 days not 22 =) we have a separate countdown for Christmas.

While we countdown both, things here are going to be busy. We have Adams Christmas party on the 12th, ours on the 19th, some stuff at the girls school. Adam has a crazy schedule for December and we are expecting some visitors at the end of the month. My brother and our God daughters families... should be lots of fun.

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